Your new holding will be added to the portfolio and the cost of the purchase subtracted from your Cash balance. Powerful reports give you the data you need to accurately analyze your investments. You can also set up virtual portfolios to follow big name investors or even your own fantasy portfolios. Then fill in the details of the purchase and click "Add". With StockMarketEye, you manage and follow as many investment portfolios as you like, including actual investment accounts. For example, to add a new holding, click on the "Buy" button. Once funded, you can use the "Buy", "Distribution", "Sell" or "Other" buttons on the toolbar to add transactions to your portfolio.Your portfolio has now been funded and the deposited amount will be shown in the Cash balance.On the Cash Transaction Details screen, change the Date of the transaction and enter the Amount of the deposit (in this example, $10,000). You can do this by clicking on the Other button on the toolbar and then clicking on Add Cash Transaction. So at this point, you should fund the account with an initial deposit. A StockMarketEye portfolio works just like a normal brokerage account.It will appear in the folders list on the left-hand side of the window. When ready, click on the "Apply" button in the top-right corner of the Portfolio Properties screen to create the portfolio.

The Portfolio section allows you to select the currency of the portfolio.